Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stop Hindu Marriage Amendment Bill - 2010

Indian Government is bringing out Hindu Marriage Amendment Bill -2010  which is totally biased towards women and against Indian family setup, caring for elderly parents etc etc

Here are the few reasons why every human being should oppose these amendments being put forth by the women organizations

1.     Please do not add more women biased laws like marriage amendment bill.  Make it gender neutral. Family system is backbone of India.

2.     Indian Citizens oppose the biased and autocratic Marriage Amendment bill. STOP IT NOW!

3.    Citizens of India demand fair laws and not biased laws. STOP Marriage  amendment bill.

4.    Marriage law amendment bill is unconstituional and dictatorial. Please STOP it!!

Summary:  Don't marry a Indian women who is brought  by her parents to act as extra constitutional , family wrecker, selfish , sadist , falsely accuses husband and her family with false cases.

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